Self Help Articles

Brad Yates

Brad Yates
Brad Yates

Mother May I?

By Brad Yates

Remember the game "Mother May I"?

There are a few different variations, but the way I played it as a kid, it went something like this:

One person is "Mother", and the rest of the kids line up across from "her". Their objective is to get across to room (or field) and they need permission to do so.

"Mother" has the ability to grant permission or not, based on her whims.

So, the exchange would be like this:

Player: "Mother, may I take three giant steps?"

Mother: "Yes you may, yes you may if you're _________ today."

The blank would be filled with some criteria. Let's say on this turn it's wearing green. So "Mother" would actually say:

"Yes you may, yes you may
If you're wearing green today."

Then any players wearing green would be able to take three giant steps.

Simple, huh?

Well, manifestation and the Law of Attraction works kinda the same way. Except that the criteria is always the same:

You must be in vibrational harmony with what you want.

So you say: "Universe, may I have a new BMW 645ci?"

And the Universe responds: "Yes you may, yes you may, if you're in harmony with it today."

Again simple. Except that we make it complicated.

We have all kinds of reasons why we can't be in harmony with the abundance we desire. We could start letting go of those reasons, but we tend to put more energy into arguing why we should keep them and why we still should get what we want.

Much of this argument may be going on at a subconscious level. Meanwhile, at the conscious level, we are arguing about why we should be getting what we asked for, perhaps oblivious to the fact that we are not meeting the criteria regarding vibrational harmony.

You don't get to argue in "Mother May I?" If "Mother" says you may take the giant steps if you are wearing green, and you are wearing blue, you don"t get to start arguing that you meant to wear green, but that shirt got a stain, and you didn't have time to clean it, and couldn't you please take the steps anyway even though you don't meet the stated criteria?

You can complain if you want, but it won't help.

If you do a marketing campaign, and hold negative energy about why it won't work, even though you've got a great product and killer copy - and it doesn't work, it likely means you didn't meet the criteria. You can argue all you want about how you meant to hold positive energy, but you got a stain on your shirt and were having a bad day, and just "naturally" started thinking that nothing would work out, but couldn't you please have a successful campaign anyway?

Again, you can complain if you want, but it won't help.

It also doesn't help to beat up on yourself, "Man, if only I'd worn green! Stupid me!" Yikes!

The thing is, with "Mother May I?", you have no control. Either you are wearing green or you are not.

Not being in vibrational harmony with what you want is not a permanent limitation, unless you choose to make it so. As my favorite author Richard Bach put it:

"Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they're yours."

Please don't do that. The Universe really wants to say, "Yes you may!"

So, when it feels like you are not winning in the game of "Universe May I?" it's time for a reality check. What are you in harmony with? (Hint: look around at what is showing up)

Take action to change it because you can. Clear you negative energy and your reasons for having it (and, again, no beating up on yourself, that just keeps you in negative vibration, (and why would you want to do that?!?) and get into vibrational harmony with what you really want.

Then, when the exchange goes like this:

You: "Universe, may I take three giant steps forward in life?"

The Universe: "Yes you may, yes you may, if you're in positive vibration today."

You get to move forward. Yea!

Remember: You were born to win!

To learn more about Brad Yates and the work that he is doing with EFT, go to:
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